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8 AI Prompts to Create A Viral Blog Post

With content consumption at an all-time high, the challenge of writing standout blog posts that are captivating, optimized, and actionable can be daunting.

ChatAI Expert Oct 06, 2023

With content consumption at an all-time high, the challenge of writing standout blog posts that are captivating, optimized, and actionable can be daunting. It’s time to flip the script! With AI-driven tools like ChatAI, you can elevate your blogging game and break through the noise.

Say goodbye to writer’s block and missed opportunities, and let ChatAI be your intelligent, creative blogging sidekick.

ChatAI streamlines your blogging process from ideation to proofreading, ensuring SEO-friendly, engaging, and error-free content. It’s time to transform your writing experience! 

Discover these 8 essential AI prompts to create a viral blog post with the help of ChatAI.

8 AI Prompts to Create A Viral Blog Post

1. Content Organization:

Before you dive into writing, crystalize your content structure with a clear ChatAI-generated outline. This strategic approach keeps your blog organized and ensures you don’t miss any important points, resulting in maximum impact for your readers.

Use this prompt: “Create a detailed blog post outline on [your topic], including headings, subheadings, and bullet points.”

2. Title Generation:

Your blog post needs an attention-grabbing title to make it stand out. Let ChatAI propose various catchy options to help you capture your audience’s curiosity.

Use this prompt: “Provide me with a list of catchy and unique blog post title options for [insert topic] that include this keyword: [insert keyword].”

3. Generate an SEO-Optimized Meta Title And Meta Descriptions:


Craft an impressive and keyword-rich title and meta descriptions to rise to the top of search engine results.

Use this prompt: “Generate high CTR and keyword-rich meta title and meta descriptions in text format. My keywords are – [keyword 1], [keyword 2], [keyword 3].” This small yet powerful touch ensures your content surfaces to the right audience on search engines.

4. Generate Actionable and Insightful Content:

Tired of rehashing the same generic tips? Harness AI to give your readers fresh insights and give your blogs a unique edge with helpful advice that promotes engagement.

Use this prompt: “Generate a blog post on [topic] that provides actionable tips and advice for [your target audience], and includes real-life examples and case studies to support my points. Base the blog on this outline: [insert outline generated in step 1].”

5. Hook the Reader with a Thrilling Introduction:

Make a lasting first impression by crafting an irresistible introduction. Allow ChatAI to create a compelling opener that will keep your readers hooked.

Use this prompt: “Write an introduction (no more than [XXX] words) for a blog post titled “[TITLE]”. The introduction should start with a question and end with a compelling promise to the reader about what they’ll gain by reading the blog post.”

6. Craft an Impactful Conclusion and CTA:

Transform your content into a conversation with AI-assisted CTAs. Ensure your reader’s journey doesn’t end with a conclusion and prompt them to take action. 

Use this prompt: “Write a conclusion to a blog post titled “[TITLE]”. The post was written using the outline below. The conclusion should sum up the post’s contents in no more than [XXX] words. After the conclusion, add a call to action prompting the reader to [insert your desired action].”

7.  Adjust Tone of Voice:

Connect with your audience through a conversational tone. Revamp your content using ChatAI to make it more personable and relatable.

Use this prompt: “Rewrite this blog post section to have a conversational tone and engage with the reader.”

8.  Leave No Room for Errors with AI Proofreading:

Missing small typos and grammatical errors in your content can be easy. Allow AI to be your eagle-eyed proofreader to guarantee your published content is error-free. Or go even further and improve the flow or readability of your content to make it shine even more.  

Use this prompt: “Check this content for spelling and grammar errors: [insert content]” or “Suggest ways to improve the flow of this section: [insert content].”

Blogging doesn’t need not be discouraging and stressful. Embrace the power of AI and transform your content creation process. With ChatAI as your co-pilot in your blogging adventure, you’ll uncover innovative ways to captivate and engage your audience.

Upgrade your writing and make the most of ChatAI with these 8 prompts. Create viral content that resonates with your target audience. 

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